122 lines
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122 lines
3.6 KiB
from fastapi.encoders import jsonable_encoder
from tortoise import connections
from dbhelper.role import get_role
from models import UserModel, UserRoleModel
from schemas import UserPut
async def get_user(kwargs):
return await UserModel.filter(**kwargs).first()
async def get_user_info(user: UserModel):
根据id查用户角色列表 按激活角色倒序显示
db = connections.get("default")
# 查角色表 用户角色表中 角色状态 = 1, 关联表中 状态 != 9 为有效角色
sql_result = await db.execute_query_dict(
select r.id, r.name, ur.status from sys_role as r , sys_user_role as ur where r.id = ur.rid and
ur.uid = (?) and r.status = 1 and ur.status !=9 order by ur.status desc
return {
"roles": sql_result,
async def get_users(skip: int, limit: int, kwargs: dict = None):
skip: 偏移量
limit: 数量
kwargs: 查询字典
if kwargs is not None:
kwargs = {f"{k}__contains": v for k, v in kwargs.items()}
kwargs = {}
result = UserModel.filter(**kwargs).all().order_by("-created")
return await result.offset(skip).limit(limit), await result.count()
async def insert_user(user, roles):
for role in roles:
if await get_role({"id": role.rid, "status__not": 9}) is None:
return role.rid
# 创建用户
obj = await UserModel.create(**user.dict())
# 已有角色 关联 角色id 和是否选中状态
await UserRoleModel.bulk_create(
[UserRoleModel(rid=role.rid, uid=obj.id, status=role.status) for role in roles]
return obj
async def del_user(uid: int):
return await UserModel.filter(id=uid).update(status=9)
async def put_user(uid: int, data: UserPut):
from core.security import get_password_hash
rids = data.roles
del data.roles
for role in rids:
if await get_role({"id": role.rid, "status__not": 9}) is None:
return role.rid
# 更新用户
if data.password != "加密之后的密码":
data.password = get_password_hash(data.password)
del data.password
await UserModel.filter(id=uid).update(**data.dict())
# todo 1. 先前有的角色,这次更新成没有 2. 先前没有的角色 这次更新成有, 3. 只更新了状态
db = connections.get("default")
# 1. 先把用户有的角色做删除
has_roles = await db.execute_query_dict(
select r.id from sys_role as r , sys_user_role as ur where r.id = ur.rid and
ur.uid = (?) and r.status = 1 and ur.status !=9
# 2. 将先有的数据标记 删除
[await UserRoleModel.filter(rid=role["id"]).update(status=9) for role in has_roles]
# 2. 新增次此更新的数据
await UserRoleModel.bulk_create(
[UserRoleModel(uid=uid, **role.dict()) for role in rids]
async def select_role(uid: int, rid: int):
# 1.将用户id 未删除角色状态置为正常 1 ( 除切换角色id )
await UserRoleModel.filter(uid=uid, rid__not=rid, status__not=9).update(status=1)
# 2.将用户id 角色id 和当前角色匹配的数据置为选中
return await UserRoleModel.filter(uid=uid, rid=rid, status__not=9).update(status=5)